Join a meeting
To join an existing meeting please go to the portal page and click on JOIN.
In the input mask that appears, enter the 10-digit meeting ID you were given. After clicking on "Join", the Zoom software will start automatically.
If the Zoom software is not yet on your system, the download will start automatically. If you cannot download or run the application, you may have to install it first via the RRZ service portal.
Before entering the meeting room, enter the meeting ID and a name. You are not required to enter your clear name, but you should enter a pseudonym, for example your user acoount, matriculation number or routing number, to establish your identity. Then click on "Join the meeting".
After entering the meeting room, the usual prompt will appear, where you can select the audio hardware of your computer or a telephone dial-in for further communication. The default selection here should be "Join the audio via computer".