Sophos Antivirus (old version) for Windows uninstallation
When Sophos Antivirus is already installed on your computer, and you want to use the new Sophos Intercept X, you have to uninstall the old version of Sophos Antivirus first.
- Please don't delete the files installed by Sophos manually.
- Uninstall Sophos instead by using the function "Programs and Features", which you can find in Windows Control Panel under "Programs".
- Uninstall "Sophos AutoUpdate" as your last step!
- Use this order to uninstall (maybe not all components are listed here):
- "Sophos System Protection"
- "Sophos Remote Management System"
- "Sophos Network Threat Protection"
- "Sophos Anti-Virus"
- "Sophos AutoUpdate" (as last step!)
- After uninstallation please restart your computer.
An additional method to remove Sophos-software is the tool "SophosZap" provided by Sophos. However, they mention the following warning:
"Only use SophosZap when all other uninstall options have failed as this tool uses heuristics to identify Sophos components on potentially partial information, which carries additional risks."
Further information and the download-link can be found at the companies' website:
- Turn off "tamper protection" for this device, when active.
- Must be run from a Command Prompt with admin privilege and with paramter --confirm.
- The program needs two runs, each run requires a reboot.
- Make sure, that a different anti virus protection is running.